Arminian Portrait
Posted In 2017
Behold, amidst the mindless crowd,
Arminians squall and bawl aloud;
So determined to enslave,
All those souls they want to save.
Gradually with toxins fed;
And into false delusions led,
Man built up with empty notions;
As free-will is set in motion.
Man – depraved & blind & cursed?
Never heard of anything worse.
There’s some real good in every man,
According to the Pelagian plan.
Just and Holy, what do you mean?
“God so loved,” why change the theme?
Christ died for all, faith seals the deal;
And by their feelings it’s made real.
‘It’s not what, but whom you know,’ they say;
A relationship with ‘Jesus’ is our way.
Away with truth – just feed us lies;
No real religion – just compromise!
“A tract for you dear Sir,” they say,
This ‘pact’ points out the ‘Roman’ way;
It’s easy just repeat this prayer;
And now salvation is yours to share.
Some Scripture verses are memorized;
And now Salvation’s Plan surmised.
It’s not that Christ was crucified;
But by free-will man’s reconciled.
And when on Union they do gabble,
To them it us but a Tower of Babel;
‘Tis Faith they say, the binding link;
By which the soul to Christ is synced.
If Reconciliation be their theme,
Sinners, they say, must consent the scheme.
For unless we add our token;
God’s eternal covenant is broken.
So when Adoption’s on their lisp,
They mix some faith with works, then twist;
For can relation ever exist,
Until faith do in Christ enlist?
They do in part their works decry,
Yet say their faith does justify;
And so upon this weaver’s web,
Justification is bound instead.
Absolute Predestination;
Sovereign Truth by Grace Defined.
With clenched fists, these pious walkers,
Do in heart God’s rule despise.
Thus they fashion to their specs,
A god conformed in all respects.
And by this idol, known as self;
They put all doctrine on the Shelf.
Thus do these heretics surmise,
God’s Truth itself to compromise.
Hence they beguile unstable souls,
And build them up on ‘straw man’ poles.
These Arminians don’t seem to care,
That Christ – His Pre-Eminence will never share,
And whilst they boast of their own making,
A faith that is theirs for the taking.
Yet God will yet un-deify,
Their self-made quest to justify;
As their works are burned to stubble,
Whilst they are crushed beneath the rubble.
By this we see the great deceit,
By this grand idol goats do bleep.
Free Grace they hate, God’s will despise;
Christ’s sheep they always stigmatize.
O put away this man made trash;
Arminian lies by Truth are smashed.
Christ alone has man redeemed;
And He alone must be esteemed!
To sum the whole then, Mr. Preacher,
If man be such a mighty creature,
As by his Faith effect such charms,
Then Grace and Christ are useless yarns.
End of Part I
Now we have a New Sensation,
A Calvin taught Arminian Nation.
These that do some Truth profess,
But in heart deny God’s blest – in Christ Alone our Righteousness.
And thus is Calvin analyzed,
And Free Grace viewed with Arminian Eyes.
To establish what I term,
A ‘Calvinistic’ brokerage firm.
Herein God’s Grace is bartered & sold,
Sovereign Reign of Grace not told.
Whilst Redemption’s ‘plan’ is on hold;
Until man does what he is told.
Catechismal instruction;
Can be a way to vast destruction.
If the Spirit does not lead,
Unto Christ the Promised Seed.
This T.U.L.I.P. has a degenerate root;
From whence it bears uncomely fruit.
And though nourished with much care;
Severed from Christ it’s still a tare.
This is all but mixed confusion;
Grace mixed works are but delusion.
Calvin himself would not advise,
To dilute God’s Truth with Lies.
Stand still and see God’s great Salvation,
Christ redeemed his holy Nation.
And in Sovereign Application,
The Spirit seals this Revelation.
Eternal Councils from the past,
Salvation free in Christ unasked.
The Calvinist cries out aghast,
Antinomianism from first to last.
O, Come away from Blind Tradition,
These ‘Reformers’ lack contrition.
Empty notions in the head;
Without the Spirit leaves you dead.
End of Part II